
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Creative Writing - DROWNING - Picture Composition

"Mum! John asked if I could go fishing with him. Can I go? I looked up. It was my brother, Leo. "Sure! behave yourself!" Mum replied. Leo looked as happy as a dog with two tails. "Don't forget the pail". I told him careless Leo was always forgetting things.

As Leo walked ahead, he met John. "Oh! I thought you wanted to meet at the park!" "Nevermind!" John grinned. As thy continued walking, Leo and John chatted about games and other things. Soon, they reached the path leaading to the lake. "You brought your pail right?" John asked. "Check!" Leo grinned. "Your fishing net? " Leo asked. "Check!" come the immediate reply.

At the end of the path, a sign with the word "DANGER" written on it, was stuck into the mud. The boys, cheeky as usual, ignored the sign and carried on walking. When they reached lake. John stood near the edge of the lake. A fish was slowly swimming towards him. "Becareful!! This is a 10 meters deep lake" cautioned Leo. Just as his words were lettered, John slipped and fell into the lake. Oh no! "Leo thought. he groaned, "Leo, you can't swim.

Neither can John!" Leo looked at John. His arms were failing wildky in the air. Suddenly John felt a sharp pull in his legs. He yelped out, but his cries were muffled by the wind. John went sd white as a sheet as he bobbled up and down trashing about. He remembered he had his handphone in his pocket. John then threw the handphone to leo. "Quick! call someone! Anyone!" he shouted. Leo called me "Sis! Come! Quick!" Leo shouted "what happened?" I asked. "John is drowning!" he shouted. "Coming!" I replied. "Hurry up!" Then, the phone went dead. I shouted for dad and mum to follow; thenm we ran to the lake. I looked in horror. Where was John?

"he....he.... drowned!" Leo shouted. Dad jumped into search for John. The cold murky water surged into Dad's ears and mouth. Dad came up, then disappeared underwater again. Seconds later, he surfaced with John safe in his hands. He swam quickly and lowered John gently on the ground. When John's eyes fluttered open, he seemed dazed. Dad sighed. Dad told us later, that he had to swim with the powerful strokes. It was very difficult as the water was murky.

Once bitten twice shy, John decided not to go too dose to the edge of the lake again.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Essay Writing Sample- Animal Abuse

"Meow...Meow" Susan stood very still. Somewhere earby, a cat was crying pitifully. She looked around, trying to see where it was.

"Hey you! take that!" A boy's voice were got her attention. She walked towards a hedge and looked behind it. There was a group of boys abusing a little kitten. The boys were throwing sticks at the kitten. The kitten let out a yelp of pain. Cowering the kitten attemped to escape. The kitten want on a frenzy when one of the boys pulled its tail. Susan could not take it any longer and shouted, "Stop it!!!" You are just another foolish little girl..." one of the boys jeered. " I'm reporting" Susan muttered as she turned away. Just then, she bumped into a policeman. She quickly told the policeman what she had seen and he went investigate.

The boys stood there, frozen to the spot. They turned tail and fled for dear life. Susan, on the other hand was praised. Susan picked the kitten up and brought it hime to nurse it back to health. From then, on the kitten, now named Tabby became Susan's best friend.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009




1. In thinking we arrange and associate ideas and objects together. Words are the symbols of ideas or objects. A Sentence is a group of words that expresses a single complete thought.

2. Sentences are of four kinds:

1. Declarative; a sentence that tells or declares something; as, That book is mine.

2. Imperative; a sentence that expresses a command; as, Bring me that book.

3. Interrogative; a sentence that asks a question; as, Is that book mine?

4. Exclamatory; a declarative, imperative, or interrogative sentence that expresses violent emotion, such as terror, surprise, or anger; as, You shall take that book! or, Can that book be mine?

3. Parts of Speech. Words have different uses in sentences. According to their uses, words are divided into classes called Parts of Speech. The parts of speech are as follows:

1. Noun; a word used as the name of something; as, man, box, Pittsburgh, Harry, silence, justice.

Page 2 2. Pronoun; a word used instead of a noun; as, I, he, it, that.

Nouns, pronouns, or groups of words that are used as nouns or pronouns, are called by the general term, Substantives.

3. Adjective; a word used to limit or qualify the meaning of a noun or a pronoun; as, good, five, tall, many.

The words a, an, and the are words used to modify nouns or pronouns. They are adjectives, but are usually called Articles.

4. Verb; a word used to state something about some person or thing; as, do, see, think, make.

5. Adverb; a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as, very, slowly, clearly, often.

6. Preposition; a word used to join a substantive, as a modifier, to some other preceding word, and to show the relation of the substantive to that word; as, by, in, between, beyond.

7. Conjunction; a word used to connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences; as, and, but, if, although, or.

8. Interjection; a word used to express surprise or emotion; as, Oh! Alas! Hurrah! Bah!

Sometimes a word adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence, but helps to fill out its form or sound, and serves as a device to alter its natural order. Such a word is called an Expletive. In the following sentence there is an expletive: There are no such books in print.

4. A sentence is made up of distinct parts or elements. The essential or Principal Elements are the Subject and the Predicate.

The Subject of a sentence is the part which mentions that about which something is said. The Predicate is the part which states that which is said about the subject. Man walks. In this sentence, man is the subject, and walks is the predicate.

Page 3 The subject may be simple or modified; that is, may consist of the subject alone, or of the subject with its modifiers. The same is true of the predicate. Thus, in the sentence, Man walks, there is a simple subject and a simple predicate. In the sentence, The good man walks very rapidly, there is a modified subject and a modified predicate.

There may be, also, more than one subject connected with the same predicate; as, The man and the woman walk. This is called a Compound Subject. A Compound Predicate consists of more than one predicate used with the same subject; as, The man both walks and runs.

5. Besides the principal elements in a sentence, there are Subordinate Elements. These are the Attribute Complement, the Object Complement, the Adjective Modifier, and the Adverbial Modifier.

Some verbs, to complete their sense, need to be followed by some other word or group of words. These words which "complement," or complete the meanings of verbs are called Complements.

The Attribute Complement completes the meaning of the verb by stating some class, condition, or attribute of the subject; as, My friend is a student, I am well, The man is good Student, well, and good complete the meanings of their respective verbs, by stating some class, condition, or attribute of the subjects of the verbs.

The attribute complement usually follows the verb be or its forms, is, are, was, will be, etc. The attribute complement is usually a noun, pronoun, or adjective, although it may be a phrase or clause fulfilling the function of any of these parts of speech. It must not be confused with an adverb or an adverbial modifier. In the sentence, He is there, there is an adverb, not an attribute complement.

The verb used with an attribute complement, because such verb joins the subject to its attribute, is called the Copula ("to couple") or Copulative Verb.

Page 4 Some verbs require an object to complete their meaning. This object is called the Object Complement. In the sentence, I carry a book, the object, book, is required to complete the meaning of the transitive verb carry; so, also in the sentences, I hold the horse, and I touch a desk, the objects horse and desk are necessary to complete the meanings of their respective verbs. These verbs that require objects to complete their meaning are called Transitive Verbs.

Adjective and Adverbial Modifiers may consist simply of adjectives and adverbs, or of phrases and clauses used as adjectives or adverbs.

6. A Phrase is a group of words that is used as a single part of speech and that does not contain a subject and a predicate.

A Prepositional Phrase, always used as either an adjective or an adverbial modifier, consists of a preposition with its object and the modifiers of the object; as, He lives in Pittsburg, Mr. Smith of this place is the manager of the mill, The letter is in the nearest desk.

There are also Verb-phrases. A Verb-phrase is a phrase that serves as a verb; as, I am coming, He shall be told, He ought to have been told.

7. A Clause is a group of words containing a subject and a predicate; as, The man that I saw was tall. The clause, that I saw, contains both a subject, I, and a predicate, saw. This clause, since it merely states something of minor importance in the sentence, is called the Subordinate Clause. The Principal Clause, the one making the most important assertion, is, The man was tall. Clauses may be used as adjectives, as adverbs, and as nouns. A clause used as a noun is called a Substantive Clause. Examine the following examples:

Adjective Clause: The book that I want is a history.
Adverbial Clause: He came when he had finished with the work.
Noun Clause as subject: That I am here is true.
Noun Clause as object: He said that I was mistaken.

Page 5 8. Sentences, as to their composition, are classified as follows:

Simple; a sentence consisting of a single statement; as, The man walks.

Complex; a sentence consisting of one principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses; as, The man that I saw is tall.

Compound; a sentence consisting of two or more clauses of equal importance connected by conjunctions expressed or understood; as, The man is tall and walks rapidly, and Watch the little things; they are important.

Exercise 1

In this and in all following exercises, be able to give the reason for everything you do and for every conclusion you reach. Only intelligent and reasoning work is worth while.

In the following list of sentences:

(1) Determine the part of speech of every word.

(2) Determine the unmodified subject and the unmodified predicate; and the modified subject and the modified predicate.

(3) Pick out every attribute complement and every object complement.

(4) Pick out every phrase and determine whether it is a prepositional phrase or a verb-phrase. If it is a prepositional phrase, determine whether it is used as an adjective or as an adverb.

(5) Determine the principal and the subordinate clauses. If they are subordinate clauses, determine whether they are used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

(6) Classify every sentence as simple, complex, or compound.

Houses are built of wood, brick, stone, and other materials, and are constructed in various styles.
The path of glory leads but to the grave.
We gladly accepted the offer which he made.
I am nearly ready, and shall soon join you.
There are few men who do not try to be honest.
Page 6 Men may come, and men may go, but I go on forever.
He works hard, and rests little.
She is still no better, but we hope that there will be a change.
Let each speak for himself.
It was I who told him to go.
To live an honest life should be the aim of every one.
Who it really was no one knew, but all believed it to have been him.
In city and in country people think very differently.
To be or not to be, that is the question.
In truth, I think that I saw a brother of his in that place.
By a great effort he managed to make headway against the current.
Beyond this, I have nothing to say.
That we are never too old to learn is a true saying.
Full often wished he that the wind might rage.
Lucky is he who has been educated to bear his fate.
It is I whom you see.
The study of history is a study that demands a well-trained memory.
Beyond the city limits the trains run more rapidly than they do here.
Alas! I can travel no more.
A lamp that smokes is a torture to one who wants to study.
Exercise 2

(1) Write a list of six examples of every part of speech.

(2) Write eight sentences, each containing an attribute complement. Use adjectives, nouns, and pronouns.

(3) Write eight sentences, each containing an object complement.

(4) Write five sentences, in each using some form of the verb to be, followed by an adverbial modifier.

Good Phrases For Creative Writing - 7

Some phrases that can use in composition writing to describe FIRE:

1) Flames swept over them.

2) After awhile, a loud explosion rocked the building.

3) The scene was chaotic.

4) Smoke and sparks were whirling in all direction.

5) Many corpses were charred beyond recognition.

6) Horrible scream filled the air.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I Post My School Composition

I am study in Singapore. I wonder why teachers like to give us so many composition. Hmmm... I am not really sure why we need to write so many composition during our lesson. I need to write English composition and Chinese composition. The worst things are I need to write composition in my tuition lesson as well. Most of my composition has been thrown into rubbish bin. My daddy told me that throwing away my school composition is a waste of effort. Since I have written so many primary school composition he advice me to post it in my School Composition Singapore blog. With his help here is my blog. Enjoy reading!

Good Phrases For Composition Writing - 6

Some phrases that can use in creative writing to describe HAPPY:

1) She laughed heartily.

2) He burst into fits of laughter.

3) He was all smiles when he saw his PSLE results.

4) They were saturated with happiness.

5) The winner jumped for joy.

6) His bother laughed till his sides hurt.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Useful Creative Writing Words or Catchy Phrases 5

Some phrases that can use in creative writing to describe SADNESS:

1) A tingle of sorrow over me.

2) She howled dismally when his cat died.

3) I could not believe my ears when I was told that I had failed my driving test.

4) His brother is down hearted because he failed his O level exam again.

5) Johnny cried bitterly when his bird flow away.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Useful Creative Writing Words or Catchy Phrases 4

Some phrases that can use in creative writing to describe FEAR:

1) The place give me a creeps.

2) She was pale with fear when her police questioning her.

3) He was cold with fear when he walked in the dark alone.

4) I jumped with a start when I heard the noise.

5) He collapsed to the floor out of fear and exhaustion.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Useful Composition Writing Words or Catchy Phrases 3

Some phrases that can use in composition writing to describe robbery:

1) They held up the boss and 2 staff members at gunpoint.

2) The victims were too frightened to utter a word.

3) A group of police blocked the road.

4) The robbers jump over to the next block.

5) We sensed something were amiss.

By School Writing Composition Primary 4 - 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Useful Composition Writing Words or Catchy Phrases 2

Some phrases that can use in composition writing to describe bad weather:

1) The dark clouds grew ominous.

2) Rain pelted down from skies.

3) Thunder roared and lightning flashed.

4) The howling of the wind scared us all.

5) The wind was howling.There will be heavy rain soon.

6) A curtain of rain beat down from the heavens.

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Title Of Book - The Giver by Lois Lowry

Useful Composition Writing Words or Catchy Phrases 1

Some phrases that can use in composition writing to describe angry feeling:

1) My mom turned red with fury.

2) She clenched her fist and shook with fury.

3) My brother stormed into the bathroom in anger.

4) In a blind of fury, he smashed the chair against the wall.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Book Read and Review Other Than Composition Writing - MATILDA by Dalh

Title of book: Matlida

Author: Dalh

"Matilda" is an extra-odinary book from Roald Dahl. In this book, Matilda grows up in a family which has a crook father, a silly mother and a playful brother.

Matilda, on the other hand, is an extra odinary girl who by the age of one and a half had a perfect speech and knew as many words as most grown ups. When she goes to school at the age of five, her teacher, Miss Honey, look at her. Once Matilda answered questions and answered a multiplication sum 4 x 19 accurately. In her head at the age of five, her teacjer is sure she has a genius in her class. However, her parents nor Mrs Trunchbull, the headmaster approve of it matilda has a few tricks up her sleeve and her horrible parents and headmaster better watch out!

I liked the story and illustrations. I liked the way matilda used her clever tricks. The way Roald dalh expresses how Matilda and her characters react is very humorous and impressive. I think everyone should read "Matilda".

By School Composition Singapore Primary 4 - 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Composition Writing about An Incident At Supermarket

Composition Writing About An Incident At Supermarket.

"Mum,,, Do I have to do that?" I groaned. She nodded at me. gave a little groan and pushed the trolley out. Just then, my mother handed the shopping list.

"Aah..." Ismiled as I went into the supermarket. A gust of cool air greeted me. The supermarket was thronged with people. As pushed the trolley around the supermarket along the narrow aisle. The eggs are mot cooked!

I took down the tray of eggs carefully. While putting it in the trolley, the tray slipped from my fingers. I gasped in horror as it fell towards the floor . Horrified Imade a lunge for it but to know vile. Some eggs craked while others tolled on the floor. "Phew" No one is in sight" I thought.

A dark shadow loomed in front of me. I gulped. As I looked up, I noticed that he was the janitor. Behind him, the store manager was looking at me. He calmly told the janitor to wipe up the mess and looked at me so sternly that a chill went down my spine.

The manager said " You may take another tray." I pinched myself. I was not sure I couldtrust my ears. "You may take another tray." he repeated. I took the next tray of eggs very slowly and carefully. The manager then motioned me to hand it to him. He told me that he would put it at the counter. Just as Istarted to tell him that I would pay for the craked eggs, he said "Little girl, I knwo it was an accident. You do not have to pay for the broken eggs. Just be careful next time, okay?"

After hearing that, I was s embarrased that I immediately apologised for my carelessness and continued shopping. I think he was one of the kindest store manager I have ever met.
By School Composition Singapore
Primary 4 - 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Composition Writing - Uncle Joe Letter

Composition writing.

It was a sunny afternoon and the sky was dotted with mongolia white clouds. I was at homw as it was the school holidays. Humming a tune as I did some doodling. I feld hungry. I told mum that I would be downstairs at the sundry to buy som tidbits. Hearing that, she told me to check the mailbox as she had not checked it for a few weeks.

When I went downstairs . I decided to check the mailbox first before buying my tidbits. When I took out the letters, a yellow coloured envelope caught my eye. It was for ...Uncle Joe? "Why was he letter in our maill box?" I thought aloud. I looked at the address. Great! the address would help me find Uncle Joe's house.
How careless is the postman! I muttered as I took the lift up

to the 11th floor. "11-011,,, 11-012,,, 11-013,,, 11-014! Got it!" I rang the bell and waited for uncle Joe to open the door. "Hi Sonny." he grinned. "err.... is this yours, by any chance? "I muttered. He eyed it and smiled. "Why yes!" he grinned again." You are a good boy Sonny!" He invited me into his house to have tea.

I declined it politely. When he asked why, I grinned and said " It is an honiur to be returning your things sir and my mother is also waiting up stairs. I am worried that she will be worrie as I told her I would go to sundry shop and collect letters." and we both laughed.

By School Composition Singapore

Primary 4 - 2009

Composition writing about An Accident At the MRT

Composition done during my tuition lesson.

Boys will always be boys. This was what happened to my brother, Tim, last year.

Ravi had arranged with Tim to go tothe pond near Yishun to fish. They had decided to meet at the MRT station. As they heard the train approaching, they ran up the escalator. Ravi, who wanted to have fun, said to Tim, "Race you!" and he was off like a rocket. Tim, who acepted the challange also rushed up. It so happened that our neighbour, uncle Jo, was also at the MRT station. He was walking up the stairs when the boys raced past him. He advised them to stop runing, but his advice fell on deaf ears. "Ignorant boys," he muttered, shaking his head is disbelief. there was no one else there except them as it was three in the afternoon.

I, on the other hand was walking to the escalator, humming gaily. I was on my way to the Jurong East library to meet my friend, Lily, to do a project with her. I was shocked to see the boys playing on the escalator. Tim saw me and waved but I shot him a stern stare. Realizing that would not listen to any advice, i messafed my mother about Tim behaviour in the public. I looked up, expecting the boys to be running off the escalator now. Horrors of all horrors! Tim had slipped and fell. He was now rolling down the escalator. Ravi was at the top end looking hopelessly at me. I knew I was Tim's only hope. I stretched out my hand to break Tim's fall. I walked off the escalator and piggbacked Tim up. I settled the now bawling off Tim onto a chair. He had twisted his ankle. I figured that uncle Jo must hve called Mom and Dad were at the station in no time. Mum was carrying a first aid box. Muttering under her breath, Mother proceeded to apply cold compress on Tim's ankle. Not wanting to be late, I boarded the next MRT train and waved goodbye to my parents, leaving Tim in their good hands.

that night, tim promised Mum and Dad, "I will not to it again." I couldn't believe it. Neither could Mum, for we know too well - boys will always be boys.

By School Composition Singapore

Primary 4 - 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


School writing composition.

Rrring.... Rrring.... The bell rang for recess. The students filed out of their classes, making a beeline for the canteen. I scanned the sea of faces. My stomach was growling, but to my dismay, the queue in front of me was moving at a snail like pace. After what seemed like eternity, I finally moved to the front queue."One plate of chicken rice, please," I said. The shop owner just grunted.

When I took out my purse to pay, I gasped. To my horror, there was only a ten-cent inside! Flabbergasted, I frantically searched my pockets. Suddenly, it dawned upon me that I had left my pocket money on the dining table.

"Girl! Do you still want this?" the stallholder hollered in anger while glaring at me. I blushed furiously. By now, all eyes were on me. Some were exchanging hushed whispers. "N... No...S... Sorry..." I stammered." Then move! I have a business to run here!" He roared in a voice that would have shattered glass. With my eyes downcast, and my shoulders sagging in defeat, I started to walk away.

Before I could walk away, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Priya. She shoved a two-dollar note into my hand. I was alarmed. Priya was so unfriendly in class, yet, here she seemed so helpful. "Well..." I floundered. "Don't refuse! Take it!" She said with a broad smile. I was grateful beyond words and thanked he profusely.

By School Composition Singapore
Primary 4 - 2009

Writing Composition - Storm At Sea

Writing composition done in my tuition lesson.

"Mum! can we go sailing?" I asked. Mother nodded and smiled. Little did we know that something disastrous was about to happen...

We headed towards the beach and rented a boat. We sailed out to sea, me, rowing and my mother relaxing... I think I had rowed too far out as after a moment, I lost sight of land. Thoughts of impending danger raced through my mind. I turned to row back to shore. I tired not to look panicky but somehow or other, my mother must sensed my panic.

She comforted me and told me to rest as I had rowed for a long time... I fell into a deep sleep.

Rumble... Rumble... I was awoken by tunder. Oh no! we were still at sea. In front, behind, left and right.Just then, I remembered what I had read in a magazine. Look for the southern cross to guide you to safe. Before I could find its a storm broke out.Rain began pelting down. I struggled to keep my balance. Then, I found the Southern cross but before I could alert my mother, I was thrown off balance and I fell into the sea.

Soon, I regained conciousness. I was in my room. Somehow, my mother had rescued me and got us home. I would never forget that eventful day.

By School Composition Singapore
Primary 4 - 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Susie's Birthday - My Free Time Composition writing

To pratice my Engish composition during my free time.

Rise and shine, Susie told herself. She woke up early and went out to read a book for she was the earliert and she had nothing to do. After a few minutes, her mother woke up and told her that her birthday present was in her room. She went to take it and unwrapped it." Wow! Thank you mother!" Susie gushed. It was an art folio with brushes and a set of pencils from her best friend and her family. It was also signed by every one in the family. She had recieved 3 books from her uncle and aunt and a cup from her grandmother. Her brother had also gotten a present for her. It was a handmade top.

Then when her father returned home from his study in ITE, she got to play her uncle's Playstation 2. When she stopped playing, she went out and took out one of the books her aunt got for her titled 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.

to be continued.....

School Writing Composition - My Favourite Animals

School Composition done for in my tuition lesson.

What is your favourite animal? This question always pops out in front of my face. Now, I am going to tell you about two of my favourite animals and why I like them.

First in line comes the rabbit.Its soft ,silky fur, the little pink nose, its little round tail and the way it nibbles are a few worth looking at sights to me.I also like to look at how it looks around.It is definately a cute and lovable creature.

Next in line is the lion. It looks like a magestic king because of the golden mane around it. A brave and courageous creature, an animal everyone should follow.

After you read this, I hope you will know more about my the two of my favourite animals and why I like them.

By School Composition Singapore
Primary 4 - 2009

School Composition Singapore

Welcome to School Composition Singapore blog. I created Primary School Composition Singapore blog to post my composition works during my schooling lesson and tuition lesson. I will be very happy to receive any comments on these composition works which we posted out. All comments are welcome. Please free feel to comment on my these composition I wrote. I would like to improve my school composition in Singapore.

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